Work-package [Sound & Music] on Oct. 21 – 24, 2014: "How to perform Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No.1 by Computer Orchestra"

CM Lab presents a work-package of “Sound & Music”! We invite Professor Haruguchi Iwao (春口巌) of Shobi University in Tokyo, Japan. He will have a talk at:

Oct. 21 (Tue), 13PM-15PM, E31

Then he will continue to have a 4 day workshop (Oct.21-24) entitled “How to perform Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No.1 by Computer Orchestra” in Convergent Media Lab room.

Prof. Haruguchi is famous for computer created music, especially for the reproduction of classical European music by DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) software with which he has actually released a CD entitled “Piano Concerto No, 1, Romeo & Juliet : Iwao Haruguchi, Vienna Instruments“.

CM Lab will prepare the necessary equipment and software to perform the seminar so that the attendants can use the DAW to create music. Ask us for more details.



Date & Place:

Oct. 21 (Tue), 13:00-17:00,   E31
Oct. 22 (Wed), 13:00-17:00,   Conevergent Media Lab, Building D ground floor
Oct. 23 (Thu), 13:00-17:00,   Conevergent Media Lab, Building D ground floor
Oct. 24 (Fri), 13:00-17:00,   Conevergent Media Lab, Building D ground floor


Score to Music with Computer. In this package, you will be able to listen to the music played by your performance intention. You will know how to read score, human musical expression which is unwritten in the score and how to use DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) software. If you cannot play any musical instrument, you can play the music with DAW.


[Outline] 13:00-13:30
Explanation of this package
[Lesson 1 / Lecture] 14:00-15:00
1 How to read orchestra score
1.1 Tempo, strength and weakness of notes, articulation
1.2 Transposition musical instruments (Contrabass, Clarinet, Horn, Trumpet)
1.3 Part balance
[Lesson 2 / Practice] 15:30-17:00
2 How to describe performance data in DAW software
2.1 Understanding how DAW works.
2.2 Writing your own performance data of Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No.1 with DAW.
(First 24 bars)
[Lesson 3 / Practice] 13:00-17:00
3 Succeeding from Lesson 2: Writing your own performance with DAW.
[Lesson 4 / Lecture & Practice] 13:00-13:30
4 Recording
[Lesson 5 / Practice] 14:00-17:00
5 Free working: After 24 bars of Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No.1 or your own selection.
5.1 You can choose any composer’s score, if you like.
[Lesson 6 / Concert] 13:00-14:30
6 Presentation of your work.
6.1 Simple report is required. Please write about your work and this package.
[Lesson 7 / Summary] 15:00-17:00
7 Next step to professional musical performance.
8 How to produce CD album.
9 The latest reverb program.
10 The latest work of Iwao Haruguchi.
