Steven Bachelder

Department of Game Design, Faculty of Arts, Uppsala University
Steven Bachelder holds a professorship in artistic expression in convergent media at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland where he cofounded the game design education in 2001. Today he is subject responsible for Expression inConvergent Media at the Institution for Game Design, Technology and Learning and is the appointed chair for the International Research School of Game Design, Uppsala University. Bachelder has been teaching in the interactive arts and convergent media since 1995. He has been involved in major international exhibitions such as “Deposition”, Venice Biennial and “Øtherlands”, Documenta X, Kassel. His profile in the arts is in creating large participatory immersive environments shifting the focus from the art object to the participation and cognitive processes of the viewer. Bachelder´s focus in games research is upon defining the core essence of game design and engagement in computer games.
Email: steven.bachelder [input @]
Masayuki Nakajima

Department of Game Design, Faculty of Arts, Uppsala University
Masa received Dr. Eng. degree from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo,Japan in 1975 and has been Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Information Science & Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology during 1997-2012 March.Masa is working at Convergent Media labo in Uppsala University.
Email: masayuki.nakajima [input @]
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Masaki Hayashi

Associate Professor
Department of Game Design, Faculty of Arts, Uppsala University
Masaki Hayashi received Dr. Eng. from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1999. He worked at NHK Science and Technology Research Laboratories to conduct research of content creation from 1986 to 2006. After the career as a director and a research fellow at several profit corporations, he began working at the Department of Game Design, Uppsala University as Associate Professor.
Email: masaki.hayashi [input @]
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Intern Students from Unversity of Angers (France) ——-
(from April to July, 2015)
Rémi Lamotte
I’m a Student from ISTIA, the Ingineering School of the University of Angers (in France). I’m really interested by Virtual reality and Video games, especially by their conception. I enjoy spending time with friends or on Video games. I’m also playing music.
Julien Regnier
Industrial System Engineering SchoolISTIA,
—> Alumni and members in the past