CM Lab presents a work-package of “Sound & Music”! We invite Professor Haruguchi Iwao (春口巌) of Shobi University in Tokyo, Japan. He will have a talk at: Oct. 21 (Tue), 13PM-15PM, E31…
We will have Japanese researchers of Tokyo University of Science on September 5 (Friday) and have a seminar for the whole day as the following schedule. They will have presentations…
YOU NEED TO CLICK “Read more button” BELOW TO ACCESS! THE SITE IS ===> You can see the regulation here. Make sure to add “uppsala” to the name when…
Work-package primarily 1st year students by Convergent Media Laboratory: “enchant.js “ A Simple JavaScript Framework for Creating Game and Applications. The convergent media lab is scheduled work-package of “Enchant js”…
2nd SEMINAR at THE SWEDISH EMBASSY 2013 By Uppsala University, Campus Gotland ================================================== Title: Sweden and Japan Collaboration in Game Education, Convergent Media and Industry Date : 15:00-18:00, 20th, Sep (Fri), 2013 Venue: Alfred Nobel…
Assoc. prof. Hayashi visited Shanghai University to have seminar and meeting toward collaboration between Shanghai University and Uppsala University in terms of game education and research on visualization. Date: 17th,…
Date: 13:30-14:30, May 28, 2013 Place: E31 Title: Games Technology and Games Programming Courses in Bournemouth University and UK Speaker: Dr. Feng TIAN Associate Professor in the School of Design,…
Assoc Prof Hayashi will have a small lecture about master thesis. Good for master course students of science course. Date and Place: 1PM, Mar. 21 (Thu) at the CMlab. ->…
Presetation materials PPT & FAAST package & example xml from Prof. Richard Skelton game from Prof. Richard PPT from Dr. Yamaguchi Human Interface Technology and It’s Applications Prof. Paul Richard…